I failed to credit life coach Martha Beck for some of the most interesting lists I've made. These are the ones in her book, "Finding Your Own North Star".
In this book, she used the list as tools to make the reader realize some truths which were possibly hidden or buried, consciously or otherwise, and to make some sense of the life's riddles. The book, and especially the lists, greatly helped me unearth information I either refused to acknowledge or just deliberately shoved into the back of my consciousness. It was not as easy as I anticipated to complete the lists in order to get to the results I sought. But there were benefits, and though they may not have included finding my own North Star, I did succeed in getting over some painful memories and rediscovering highs of my life.
I'm sure Martha has a valid and expert reason for the order and context in which these lists came, her aim being "helping you claim the life you were meant to live" -- making your essential self rule over your social (accepted, dictated, or pre-set you) self. I believe, though, that some of these could independently be helpful, even without needing to go through the entire North Star program. Here are my top five: