For nearly a decade, I carried this leather planner every. Where. I. Went. Nearly! It was an upgrade from the student planner I used in preparation for "greater things to come". Since it was a bulky, multi-compartmentalized, tabbed three-ring binder in heavy two-toned leather (the better to go with every purse or outfit *wink*), I couldn't always put it in my purse. So, wherever I went -- shopping, to work, riding the bus, the supermarket, carrying a tray in a fastfood restaurant, ordering and taking my coffee to-go -- it would be hand-held, tucked between my upper arm and my torso, or hugged close to my chest. Needless to say, lugging the planner limited the range of movements of one arm. But I always thought I would die without it, so I didn't mind.
It contained many items I couldn't keep my brain occupied with: numbers, schedules, notes, special dates, reminders, expense tracker, my ID's, my driver's license, my passport, love letters, special concert tickets (souvenirs), receipts. Years later, a hand-written copy of my wedding vows, my childbirth labor log, my kids' firsts joined the stash. Why? You see, a time management expert I used to work with once quoted Albert Einstein as saying we have to free our mind. Then he would add, "write things down". I took the advise to heart. The only time I put my leather planner down was when I was at home or at my work station. Or dining or fitting something I was thinking of buying -- but always close and in plain sight. You'll never know when you had this a-ha dream you just had to make a note of.
My fascination with all things I.T. has always shared the equal space with my obsession with getting organized, so technological advances brought the inevitable decision to put the leather planner to rest. Truth is, I lost it because I put it down in the cart when I was buying groceries. I had to make a choice between my toddler and the planner. Of course, I chose the former! *gleaming smile* As soon as I realized something was amiss with my balance (because both my arms had more movement), I made a frantic dash back to the supermarket, but it was gone! No back-up. Goodbye planner. The prospect of upgrading to an electronic version, however, took away some of the pain.
So, I welcomed the palm pilot. Mine had a leather case, but I couldn't quite stash as much into its streamlined pockets. Still, I excitedly welcomed the more advanced time management and organization system. Oh, and it had games! Then it crashed right after the outlook program on my PC. No back-up. Pffft.
After a period of mourning, during which I overloaded my cellphone and a tiny handy notebook, I shifted to another hand-held organizer, the O2 XDA. I was so proud of it because it was my phone, photo album, and organizer in one, and I synched religiously. Then it short circuited when someone (whom I have forgiven) accidentally spilled water on it. Shortly after, my laptop's outlook program crashed. No back-up.
And so, while I still dreading having to rebuild my media list with a heavy heart, I bid goodbye to MS outlook with a bitter laugh, and said hello to Gmail, yahoo mail (just in case), a 3G camera-phone, and the good old paper notebook. I transferred all my grief into rebuilding and rediscovering my love for unlined notebooks. Obsessively. The iPhone is still awaiting my trust to build up, but I know I have to simplify my life and will make the shift soon. But I don't think I'll want to stop using notebooks to write things down. Lessons learned. I hope. Here's my post-mortem list:

Ok, I'm over-rationalizing. Simply put, I love both notebooks and electronic gadgets, but I've learned (at least for now) to rely on them as aids. They are not "my life!" or "my brain!" as I exclaimed in dismay at least twice before. I will always gush, and my heart will definitely beat faster, but I try not to obsess over the all-in-oneness of model after model (in paper, that would be, acid-free, anti-moth, water-resistant cover). After all, even a human personal assistant isn't indispensable.
Now to check out the iPad *wink, wink*
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