13 January 2010

crazy things I did for love

"What's the craziest thing you've ever done for love that you didn't think you were capable of doing?"

Craziest?  For love?  That got me thinking... I was actually stumped. 

After finally submitting a cover story way beyond the deadline set for this magazine I love to write for, I am asked to submit a sentence or two in reply to this unsettling question for the contributors' page.  And I thought completing the cover story over the frenetic holidays was a challenge. I think: the article is for the February issue.  February, Valentine's, Love.  But, of course.

12 January 2010

So, about Facebook...

Sure, I happen to be one of those who embraced Facebook. All it took was a couple of invites, and I was hooked. And -- surprise!--I am still at it. My day is not complete without logging into Facebook and checking updates. Live updates.

On days when I try to deny my Facebook dependence, I check my Email inbox... to check on Facebook notifications. Then there's no beating around the bush from there. I click on the nearest link that'll take it to my fix for the day. The hour.  Ok, no --  the moment.

I fell in love with Facebook because of the wonder of connection and reconnection it provided.  Long-lost X's of all kinds.  I got a thrill with every notification that an old friend had found me.  Even our clan's egroup has dwindled down to personal messages. News and photos go directly to Facebook. Can I even count the many times I've thanked God for Facebook?!  Not to mention the times I swore and believed with all my heart that FB was made for people like me: