11 March 2011

Being independent and autonomous, not foolish.

When asked to describe myself I would always point out something that has become very obvious to me, I've acknowledged and accepted it. I am a jill-of-all-trades. That's fab, I mean, what can you not do as long as you're willing?  Unfortunately, this multi-tasking bit habit comes with quite a trade-off.

02 March 2011

Coffee Lover, ergo Coffee Paraphernalia ADDICT?

Does it follow that if one loves coffee, she'd love whatever comes with having that cup of brew as well? And if that same person needs coffee as much as she wants it, she'd be addicted to paraphernalia, too? I don't always buy coffee paraphernalia, but I can't resist lingering over coffee makers, stuff with coffee print, design, flavor, and scent, as much as I can't help stopping when I see cups and saucers and mugs. And, I have to confess that I was once actually obssessing over using the right measuring spoon for my coffeemaker.

The Trouble with Writing

Actually, the trouble I encounter happens when I write, not with writing in general. I once posted this bit years ago in another blog: