08 January 2011

Who's name is that on your cup?

This is something I wrote seasons ago. I can let it go, but it's something I'm a bit finicky about and it continues to happen often enough for me to notice.  Like today. Short of ranting, let me re-post this edited version from my other web space.

A brother of mine gives the name Richard when he orders coffee at Starbucks. It's not his name -- in fact, far from it.  Apart from privacy issues (like not wanting his name to be shouted out in a public place), he uses it because his name is often misspelled or mistaken for another "off" name. Richard is safe, I guess.

06 January 2011

reading time

Still on the fresh-start/new-chapter mode, I have to point out one observation. While I read a lot of books in 2010 (more of that in another post), it felt like I had less time for reading because it took me more time than usual to finish most of the books I did get to read.  Could it have been that...
  • I'm becoming a slow reader?
  • I'm losing interest in books?  *gasp*  Noooo!
  • I'm overloaded with work?  Show me the money, haha!
  • I'm becoming busier with homemaking and parenting? 
In fairness, these books happen to be long.  But that's another point altogether.

Resolutions: should I bother?

I needed two cups of freshly brewed espresso to begin day one of 2011. After a quick review of my previous years' resolutions and what had become of them, I made a mental note not to make a New Year's resolution.  Yeah, right.  Many of us do anyway, deep in our minds.  Secretly.  How can anyone pretend New Year is just another day? I can't. Just too much celebration and revelry. And there's something exciting about starting fresh.  But I have a problem with fresh starts sometimes.  Beginning a new year for me is like: